Taylor Otwell developed the Laravel PHP web framework, which is open-source and free. Its expressive, beautiful syntax makes development more accessible by simplifying routine chores like authentication, routing, sessions, and caching that most online applications utilise.

This extensive array of tutorials will cover all you need, whether you’re just taking laravel9 training or seeking more advanced subjects.

7 Resources to Help You Learn Laravel9

1. Laracasts

One of the finest sites for laravel9 training is Laracasts. It provides top-notch video courses by renowned PHP teacher and developer Jeffrey Way. Since its launch in 2013, the website has offered hundreds of hours of programming.

On Laracasts, you may discover both free and paid courses. You may register for the Laracasts “Laravel from Scratch” series if you wish to learn Laravel for free. Everything from setting up Laravel to creating a practical application is covered in this course.

2. FreeCodeCamp

A fantastic location to begin your educational journey is FreeCodeCamp. It includes a section on Laravel and provides a wide range of materials for learning web development. The “Laravel Basics” course is a fantastic place to start if you’re unfamiliar with the framework.

3. Laravel: Up and Running

Check out Matt Stauffer’s “Laravel: Up and Running” booklet if you’re seeking a more thorough introduction to Laravel. Everything from installation to creating an e-commerce application is covered in this book.

4. A tutorial website is TutorialsPoint

The laravel9 training website TutorialsPoint is fantastic. It offers lessons on various programming languages, frameworks, and technologies in addition to Laravel. There are a ton of educational resources on this learning platform.

TutorialsPoint’s Laravel instructional website states that their Laravel tutorial is appropriate for complete novices. Therefore, anyone who uses PHP and has little to no knowledge of Laravel may think about learning from this website.

5. The Laravel Podcast

Another excellent podcast with five seasons already. It addresses a variety of subjects, including queues, mail and alerts, Laravel Debugbar, helpers and collections, security, and more.

6. Laravel Official documentation

The official Laravel documentation is first-rate and a fantastic reference guide for the framework. It may sound unusual, but we wouldn’t advise complete beginners to try it because it demands advanced programming skills. As we all know, things don’t always work out that way; students frequently study frameworks without having a firm grasp of PHP’s fundamental ideas.

7. Core course

Another excellent site for laravel9 training is Code course, which provides free and paid courses. Alexey Mezenin instructs “Laravel: From Beginner to Master,” a paid course. Everything from the fundamentals of Laravel to more complex subjects like deployment, testing, and authentication are covered in this course.


There are still more Laravel resources available. There are plenty of other helpful resources that may greatly aid your understanding of this fantastic framework. For you, websites like Stack Overflow will always be helpful. You may ask questions that top developers will gladly answer and study technical queries and answers to learn important stuff.

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