Straightforward and basic python programming language training to learn. 

Python is a popular choice for new programmers as their first programming language because of its straightforward syntax, usability, and applications. 

It is advisable to be aware of these problems in advance because they can occasionally cause your code to malfunction.

1. Changing a list as you go through it iteratively

Modifying a list or collection while iterating over it is terrible. Programmers frequently make the error of removing an item from a list while iterating.

2. Module Name Conflict

Python has a huge selection of libraries and packages. As a result, there can be a name conflict between your Python module and one included in the Python Standard Library.

The package can unintentionally import your version of the module rather than the one that is part of the Python Standard Library since you also have a module with the same name.

3. It is not closing a file that has already been opened

Once all of the specific operations have been carried out on the opened file and you are no longer required to work on it, it is always a good practice in Python to shut the file.

Always remember that opened files utilize your system resources and may be locked; if you do not shut the files after using them, they will continue to use the resources and may stop other programs from utilizing them.

4. Failure to comprehend Python functions

There are numerous built-in functions in Python. Some of them might perform the same tasks differently.

For instance, there are two functions, sort () and sorted, in the python programming language training. The same functionality, sorting a collection, is shared by both functions. 

But how these two tasks are carried out varies.

5. Making _init_ method mistakes

The _init_ function is preserved in the python programming language training and is used as the constructor in Python classes. 

When an object of a class is created, this method’s goal is to initialize the values of the data members of the class. 

However, programmers occasionally use this function to return a value contrary to the intended use of the _init_ method and divert it from that goal.

6. Utilizing import

Many php training classes in Gujarat typically use import * to import everything from the package whenever they feel lazy.

There are several reasons why this sloppy import has been deemed bad practice, including:

Because we can’t immediately tell what is imported or from which module a certain function was imported, it makes the code harder to read.

The possibility of overriding a particular variable or function always exists due to import *.

Pollutes the namespace since import * imports all of your namespace’s classes and functions, some of which can conflict with user-defined classes and functions.

7. An improper indentation

Python programming language training is a highly stringent language regarding indentation requirements because it doesn’t rely on brackets to divide code sections. 

Indentation in Python serves many more purposes than merely making your code look tidy, unlike other programming languages.

In some cases, this may not result in an indentation problem but rather a significant bug in the code.


This concludes the article. This article discusses several typical errors made by python programming language training. Make your coding experience simple and bug-free by practising and practising these errors.

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