“Advances in artificial intelligence are said to bring the next industrial revolution which displaces more than half the human workforce by 2025. “, a Swiss think tank has warned. The World Economic Forum (WEF) said in a report that more than half of all current work tasks would be reformed by machines by 2025 as compared to 29 per cent today. So, are we looking at a future where robots replace humans?

During the first industrial revolution, when machines replaced people in manufacturing industries, people feared that they would be out of a job. However, instead of being replaced, employees now had different tasks to do. Similarly, the next industrial revolution is likely to create more jobs than what it replaces.

According to an estimate, 75 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labour between humans and machines, while 133 million new roles may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms.


Reasons why robots will not take over humans

1) Robots don’t understand irrational thoughts

Robots don’t have feelings. They simply perform the way they are programmed to do so. However, people look for an emotional understanding when communicating with a company. If a chatbot is replying to a query, it won’t be able to convey a sense of empathy towards the user.

2) Robots don’t understand the context

Although companies like Facebook and Google are trying, they still have a long way to go in natural language processing. Every language has different phrases which mean different things depending on the scenario. It is difficult to understand if you don’t know the language. You need complex algorithms to understand it.

3) People prefer to talk with a person

Whenever you call customer care, you expect to talk to a person. You would not prefer having to answer to a machine.

In some industries, an increase in automation does not mean a decrease in employment. Instead, employees will perform new tasks. A couple of decades ago, finances were calculated by hand and using calculators. After the introduction of spreadsheets, it became easier to perform these calculations. The task of workers in this field shifted from calculation to strategy development and analysis.

Technology will never replace the need for creative thinking, problem- solving, leadership, teamwork and initiative. However, humans can use technology to provide a better world for everyone.



Humans will be replaced by robots in mundane and dangerous jobs. This is a good thing as it gives people more time to focus on problem-solving. Advancements in robotics and AI is not bad. However, thinking that they can replace humans is wrong. Humans are the most flexible machines out there.

The industry will change a lot in the coming decade. There will be a rising need for people who possess problem-solving and management skills. That does not mean that robots will simply take over all the work. Humans will always be needed to handle these machines and to come up with creative solutions.


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