The most common programming language available today is PHP, and it can be the best one to start. If you are looking for a course to learn PHP online, you should know that two main types of courses are available – paid and unpaid.

There are many benefits of taking a paid course, such as the speed of your learning, quality of the course, convenience and other things.

What are the best courses for learning PHP online?

If you’re looking to start with PHP, many great courses are available online.

1. The PHP Masters Academy

 Offers a comprehensive course covering all language aspects. It’s available in video and text formats and has a verified certificate of completion.

2. Code Academy

Offers an interactive course that helps you learn by doing. You can work on projects alongside the instructor, and the course includes exercises and challenges to help you practise what you’ve learned.

3. Learn PHP

The hard way is another highly recommended course by Codecademy. It’s more challenging than other options but provides a thorough grounding in PHP syntax and functionality.

Which one is right for you? The best way to find out is to try a few different courses and see which ones work best for you. You can also look for user reviews to get an idea of which courses are considered the best learning experiences by others.

Thoughts on the Best Course to Learn PHP Online

There are various options available when it comes to learning a new programming language. However, for those who want to learn PHP, only a few good options are available online. 

This written piece will let you have a look at the best course to learn PHP online. 

• If you’re looking for an introductory course that will teach you all the basics of PHP, then according to one of the top recommendations ThePHP Bootcamp by Code School is a very flexible one. 

• This course is designed for beginners, covering everything from installing PHP on your computer to creating basic web applications. 

• It’s also extremely affordable, and the instructor always responds quickly to questions.

• If you’re looking for something a little more advanced, the next recommendation is The Complete Guide to PHP 7 by Brett Slatkin.

• This course covers all the latest features in PHP 7, making it ideal for developers who want to stay up-to-date with the latest trends.

• Brett also responds quickly to questions, so you can be sure that any questions you have will be answered quickly.

• Finally, if you’re looking for a more comprehensive guide to learn PHP online, the third recommendation is Mastering phpMyAdmin by Paul.


Whether you are a business owner who needs to create a website or an individual who wants to develop a basic online presence, learning PHP is an essential skill. Fortunately, there are plenty of online courses available that will teach you all the basics you need. 

Taking at least one course from each category: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Pick the course that best matches your level of experience and skill set, and get started building your web development portfolio today!

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5 Reasons Why You Should Learn Python Online

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